Getting Started

SAN Membership Coordinator Welcome Information


Information below categorizes what every SAN Coordinator needs to know and share with the contacts at the institution(s)/organization(s)within the membership.

  • Responsibilities & Benefits for SAN Membership Coordinators
  • SAN Membership Communication Distribution Lists/Discussion Boards
  • SAN Website
  • Other SAN Benefits
  • Moving Forward


Responsibilities & Benefits for SAN Membership Coordinators 

Coordinator Responsibilities: 

Coordinators are the managers of the membership. Specifically, we rely upon coordinators to address the following 3 bullets (note the item that is emphasized):

  • Manage the annual invoice/invoice processing including managing the list of contacts in group memberships.
  • Oversee and advise your membership institutional contacts within your membership of membership events and benefits.
  • *Share the general membership username and password (as described below), with other contacts within your membership. *this is very important!!!

Coordinator Call:

Each month, SAN hosts a monthly Coordinator Call where we feature a myriad of guests who provide insight on pressing issues, advice/solutions related to distance education compliance management, and much more! 

  • Coordinators are highly encouraged to participate in the monthly Coordinator Call. 
  • This virtual gathering is facilitated via Zoom and occurs on the 4th Tuesday of each month. 
  • Coordinators will always receive an agenda prior to the monthly Call.
    • A Tentative Agenda is published during the first week of every month.
    • A Final Agenda is typically published on the Monday before the Call.
    • The Zoom link to join the Call is listed on each version of the agenda.
    • The Call is recorded and archived on the SAN website for all coordinators and all contacts to review following the Call.
  • If you would like to participate by presenting on the monthly call, have questions about the topics, or would like to request an area to be covered, email Dr. Jana Walser-Smith for more information.

Annual Coordinator Meeting:

Coordinators are also invited to attend the Annual Coordinator Meeting that is held in-person each fall. 

  • The Annual Coordinator Meeting is held in person each fall at the site of the WCET Annual Meeting.
  • The SAN Coordinator’s Meeting precedes the WCET Annual Meeting.


SAN Membership Communication Distribution Lists/Discussion Boards:

About the “MIX” Communication Tool:

The platform for membership communication is called MIX. Through emails, you will receive timely notices and opportunities for discussions among the members via this tool. These are member only tools!

When you need to interact with the various SAN email lists, you may use the following groups/channels:

  • SAN Coordinators: 

    • This channel is used for notifications specifically for SAN Coordinators; interactions here are typically regarding membership management and monthly Coordinator Calls.
  • SAN Discuss:  

    • This channel is more broadly used for notifications and member discussions.
    • SAN Discuss is a group for SAN Network members to engage in moderated discussions about timely topics and as a forum to share compliance management questions and experiences among the SAN membership community. 
    • Feel welcome to share your questions and experiences with the SAN Discuss Community by posting to the discussion or emailing. 
  • SAN News and Announcements: 

    • This channel is used to broadcast SAN’s eNewsletter, articles, announcements, and breaking news of general interest to our members. 


SAN Website

  • SAN Website Access:

    • Review the SAN Website; it provides access to many resources, news updates, and information about upcoming events, and archived information from past events. 
    • Note: While the site does house some open-access information, much of the information is member-only content and will require you to login.  
  • Coordinator login access:

    • Go to
    • Your username is your email address.
    • Follow the directions on the site.
    • Password reset instructions will be sent to your registered email address.
      • NOTE: Only SAN Coordinators have their email addresses registered on the website.  All other users within your membership(including contacts at institutions/organization in a group membership) must use the membership login that is shared below.
    • Choose your password. 
  • General staff login access:

    • Coordinators must share this information with the others within their membership
      • Username: Membership Name as was provided to the coordinator of the membership
      • Password:  SANhelps1819 
    • Please also keep in mind that this login and password are specific to the membership and cannot be changed.


Other SAN Benefits:

SAN Open Forum:

Coordinators and SAN members also have access to the monthly Open Forum which takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

  • The Open Forum is a 30-minute Q-A session between members and select special guests. Additional 30-minutes of discussion may follow as participants are interested in further discussion.
  • Open Forum is an important (non-recorded) SAN event, as provides members the opportunity for interaction and collaboration. 
  • For more information on the SAN Open Forum, contact Kathryn Kerensky, J.D.

Additional Resources for Getting Started:   

Below are several tools housed on the SAN website that are designed to enhance your knowledge:

SAN-U Training Opportunity:               

SAN now offers courses through our SAN-U platform. 

  • A current course is the Member Integration Course
  • This course is an 8-week, online, fundamentals program designed to enhance the understanding of distance education compliance/state authorization rules and regulations. 
  • The course is cohort offered through a Learning Management System (LMS) platform, and if available multiple times annually
  • The opportunity to participate is open to any staff member at a SAN member institution/organization. 
  • For additional questions regarding courses offerings, contact Dr. Jana Walser-Smith


Moving Forward:

Because SAN is a network, it succeeds only to the degree that its members participate. Thus, we encourage all coordinators to:

  • Post questions in SAN Discuss, and review information that is shared through SAN News & Announcements, and/or SAN Coordinators communities in MIX
  • Communicate with the contacts at your membership institution(s)/organization(s) to ensure that they understand that they are members of SAN with access to participate in SAN events, resources, and discussions.


Please Contact Us with any questions you may have!



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